Which Aircraft Have You Flown During Your Career?
I’ve flown on Gulfstream III, IV, 450, V, 550, 650, Global 5000, 6000, Falcon 50, 900, 2000, 7X, Challenger 604, 605, and Legacy 600, 650.
Where Did You Receive Flight Attendant Training?
I attended initial training at Boeing/Alteon. I’ve attended recurrent training annually at Flight Safety or Corporate Air Parts.
When Was Your Last Recurrent?
My last recurrent took place on October 27, 2021.

What Are Your Base Locations And ICAOs?
I mostly fly out of CMA, VNY, BUR, LAX, and SNA. I’m happy to drive or airline to meet aircraft.
How Long Have You Been A Flight Attendant?
I’ve been a corporate flight attendant for fifteen years.
Aside From Your Corporate Flight Attendant Training, What Other Education Do You Have?
I’ve attended the San Diego Culinary Institute, The Corporate School of Etiquette culinary training, and Flightess culinary and service training. I also studied business at the University of Phoenix and hospitality and tourism management at Florida Atlantic University. I’m also certified in CPR/First Aid/AED and Serv Safe food safety.
Which Business Aviation Conventions And Trade Shows Do You Attend?
I enjoy attending NBAA when I’m available.

What Has Been Your Most Memorable Flight?
One flight that comes to mind, was when I had 16 passengers and 6 large dogs. I had to remove my heels to serve drinks and a five-course dinner!
What Type Of Cuisine Do You Prefer?
I enjoy Italian, Mexican, Thai, Indian, and seafood.
What Are Your Favorite Destinations and Why?
Islands and beaches! I love going to the Caribbean, Mexico, France, Italy, Greece, Fiji, Tahiti, and Hawaii. I enjoy boating, sailing, and snorkeling.
What Are Your Favorite Restaurants?
There are too many to mention! I’m a fan of most steakhouses and my favorite Italian restaurant is The Godfather in San Diego.
What Are Some Things To Do That You Would Suggest For A Corporate Flight Attendant Visiting A Destination For The First Time?
I’d check the weather forecast and pack accordingly. I’d research the area for interesting things to do. I’d ask the FBO CSR’s who they’d suggest using for catering. I’d also search flight attendant groups on Facebook and local restaurants and chefs. One of my favorite things to do for international trips is to research the top chefs and restaurants of the world and discover their recipes. I then ask my caterer to replicate the dishes. My passengers love it when I do that!
Do any Cultural Tips For A Corporate Flight Attendant Visiting A New Location For The First Time?
Always research the country you’ll be going to and become aware of cultural differences. Learn a few phrases. Ask friends who have traveled there for any advice. Be friendly, have a positive attitude, and smile! 🙂

What Made You Decide To Become A Corporate Flight Attendant?
I began considering a career in aviation in my early twenties, but I pursued other interests instead. I eventually met someone who worked at Flight Safety and he encouraged me to research business and corporate aviation. I discovered Susan Friedenberg’s week-long CFA class and signed up for it in July 2007. It was very informative and helpful. I decided to begin my new career soon after I completed her class. I also have a strong passion for travel! I’ve been to all 50 states and every continent except for Antarctica.
What Do You Feel Are Essential Skills For A Successful Corporate Flight Attendant?
A CFA definitely needs to be well organized. There’s a lot of planning and preparation before the trip even begins. Be a team player. It takes many people to make a trip successful. Be inventive and always come up with new and interesting ways of performing your service. Be a multitasker. A CFA usually has multiple things going on at all times. Learn how to read your passengers. Do they require a lot of attention, do they want their privacy or are they somewhere in the middle? Make sure you know the location of all safety equipment on every aircraft you work on.
What Advice Would You Give Someone Looking To Become A Corporate Flight Attendant?
I’d suggest taking culinary, wine, and service classes. Complete initial safety training and get certified in CPR/First Aid/AED and also Serv Safe food safety. Make sure to prepare a cover letter, resume, and business cards. Network! Market yourself to flight crew placement agencies and to charter companies. I wish you the best!
What Email Address Should Be Used To Contact You?
This article is part of a series of interviews we are conducting with corporate cabin crew members; individuals who are not employed by Air Culinaire Worldwide. If you would like to be considered for an interview, which is posted on our blog and all of our social media accounts, please contact socialmedia@airculinaire.com.